Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Rollercoaster

It is so amazing how 24 hours can completely change your point of view and your mood. Today I finally decided to read through the pdf file that our agency sent us of the I-800 application. Every agency does this process a little different I think. Our agency sends our I-800 to the USCIS for us. This step always left me with some trepidation as I was putting faith in our agency that it would be sent in without any mistakes and I wasn't going to be able to look it over first. WOW, am I smart. I should have been worried!!

For anyone who has followed our blog for a while, you will remember a point last year when our I-800 A acceptance letter was wrong. It approved us for a "healthy" child. I really hate using those terms..healthy and special needs...someone needs to come up with better terminology. Our agency didn't catch the mistake for a couple of months ????? but as it was the USCIS mistake it was easily corrected and I received a new approval which I forwarded to our agency. The I-800 (keep up with me people) needs the I-800 A approval letter to be sent with the application........are you seeing where this is going!!! You guessed it, they put the wrong acceptance in the I-800 application. I have no idea if this is a big deal, easy corrected or I have to wait to be denied approval by the USCIS and then refile...that will add a few extra weeks to the whole process.  It is Sunday and I can't get a hold of anyone.  Needless to say I went from floating somewhere over the rainbow on cloud nine to a face plant on the kitchen floor with no parachute.  I think I actually hit rock bottom before I bounced up a little. I have gone into survival mode. I refuse to feel anything as I don't think it will be pretty and I am afraid I might never be able to stop crying, at least until I am on a plane home from China.

People often compare the journey of adoption to a roller coaster minute you are up the next you are down! I dislike roller coasters immensely. I want off this one NOW......I did not buy the extended amusement park pass and I don't want to be here anymore. I would like a little more than 3 days of over the top excitement and bliss before the big mean ugly world comes and slaps me in the face. Thank you for listening....that was probably the biggest pity party I have thrown so far...and it felt good to get it off my chest. Wish me luck tomorrow :)


  1. Oh no!! Prayers your way!
    "...we who have taken refuge might be strongly encouraged to hold fast to the HOPE that lies before us." Hebrews 6:18
    God will bring you to your baby...hold fast to Him!

  2. Bonnie I am so sorry, I am also on that ride, up, yesterday afternoon, very down last night(call-oops wrong visa paperwork grrrrr) hugs my friend.

  3. Uh Oh! Hopefully, it will be a quick fix, with NO delay. Your daughter is beautiful. Keep us posted.

  4. Hang in there Bonnie, this roller coaster is rough. You have come so far, the loading platform should be in your sight by now. You will be off before you know it. (((HUGS)))
