Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15

Today I am thankful that Sofie will FINALLY get her hearing aids tomorrow! So very happy and thankful.

It is a strange experience to know that your child cannot really hear what you are saying to them clearly. She understands so much, yet, the clarity of the words is missing. It is even a stranger experience knowing that tomorrow she will clearly hear me and other sounds for the very first time. The emotion that goes with it is almost overwhelming. I am excited, scared and very nervous about tomorrow. It kinda feels like you are taking a huge, exciting leap off a cliff without a parachute and you have no idea where you are going to land. I have no idea what to expect and absolutely no expectations about tomorrow. That is a huge leap of faith for a slightly organized control freak such as myself.  I will be flying by the seat of my pants tomorrow. Wish us luck :)

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