Wednesday, November 14, 2012

6 Months Ago Today

Where do I even start with Day 14 of Thankfulness! Today, it has been 6 months since we met a very quiet, scared little girl in the Civil Affairs Office of Hefei, Anhui Province, China. It has gone by so fast that I cannot believe it has been 6 months already, yet, it feels like she has been a part of our family forever.

 Sofie on our Family Day May 14, 2012 Hefei China

......and Sofie now!!!!

I look back at the pictures and I cannot believe how much Sofie has changed. Her eyes that were once so blank are now so full of life.....and that smile!!!!! 

Today also fills me with so much emotion. This little girl has added so much to both mine and Jim's life, but, also an enormous amount to Ainsley's life. She has given us more than we can or ever will be able to give her. Her addition to our family has created a most wonderful relationship......... sisters. To be able to witness the bond of sisterhood form between two little girls is a tremendous honor and such an awe inspiring thing. They truly love and adore each other. I am so very thankful for that :)

I am thankful for all the twists and turns, ups and downs that led us to each other.  As difficult as they were at the time, I truly believe that we were supposed to find each other. I know not everyone thinks that way, but, for us it rings true. If one thing had gone differently or been completed faster, we both would not have been in the place we both needed to be at in order for her referral to find us.  

If you had asked me 6 months ago where I thought we would be at right now at this moment, I would have said that all of Sofie's surgeries for now would be done and we would be settled into a schedule and a routine. We would have speech therapy already underway and life would be a little more predictable. You think I would have learned by now that life has surprises in store for you all the time and it usually doesn't work out quite how you think it will. I did not imagine that at this point we would still be undergoing medical tests and seeing more specialists. I did not imagine that hearing aids and audiology appointments were in our future either. It is what it is and we can handle anything. All I have to do is watch Sofie for a couple of minutes at any particular doctor's office and it totally puts me back in my place. This little girl can handle anything that life throws at her. The least we can do is be there to support her and provide her with all the tools she needs to succeed. She is amazing, much stronger than I ever could be. She has survived so much and never seems frustrated or overwhelmed, unless, you tell her that she can't have any more Halloween candy!!!! She always seems to lead us through every difficult moment with her little smile that says "come on guys you can do this. We can do anything together."

I have come to realize that I have not had very many fuzzy warm posts on the blog lately. We have had to handle a lot of stuff and this is a way for me to get it out and deal with it. If you are looking for a fuzzy blog you have come to the wrong one!!  I hope, though, that I am not coming across as too whiny and complaining or a drama queen. I also write this blog with the hopes of helping just one adoptive family get through the wait or helping them prepare for what happens once they get home with their new family. I feel I would be doing them a disservice if I sugarcoated everything. It is difficult, all of it, from beginning to after you are home. The first 6 months home are really hard. It is does get better. The moments of joy far outweigh the heartache. It is the hardest, most rewarding best thing we have ever done. I would do everything all over again and not change a thing. We have been given challenges that we were not expecting, but, that is the joy of adoption. You never know what you are getting into, but, you find out how strong you are as an individual and as a family. You find out that you truly can handle anything that life throws your way......all you need is that high voltage super awesome smile and all is right and good with the world :)

Our very first Sofie smile!!!!!!


  1. Congratulations on 6 months together! Her smile is adorable!

  2. Thank you, Bonnie. I'm a waiter (waiting for a referral), and I enjoy following your story--bumps and all. :-) Happy Thanksgiving to your beautiful family!
