Saturday, November 5, 2011

The words from a 6 year old

Ainsley and I sat on the stairs this morning and had a talk about her sister. You see, Ainsley seems to think that she will be able to pick her up and help carry her around. She has no concept as to how big a 2-4 year old is and that they may not like being picked up and carted along. I showed her that her sister might be as tall as her shoulder. I was then informed that 2 year olds come up to her waist....and I got the "look", and then a mmmmmm from her. So I proceeded to explain to her think of all the fun you guys could have together, riding bikes, scooters and playing dolls. The comment back to me "she is going to be too big for the other bike we have." Trying not to laugh because that makes her angry when you do that, I explained that we could get a new bike for her. " oh, OK, and a helmet too!" says Ainsley. Yes I say, a helmet too. She then continues with " we need to get her some toys too because not all my toys are going to be "propriate" for her. It is not appropriate by the way, it is "propriate". Good luck changing her mind with that one, I have tried. This is so adorable from the little girl who has gone through every toy catalogue and circled the stuff for her, the toys for her sister and the toys that they can share....the propriate toys. :)
The end of November can't come quick enough.

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