Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Surgery Tomorrow

Sofie will have her lip revision, palate repair, ear tubes and hernia repair tomorrow at 7:30am. I won't go into great detail tonight as I will end up in tears and I have too much to do :) Please keep in in your thoughts. It broke my heart putting her to sleep tonight as she has no idea what she is in for tomorrow and I have no way to make her understand. I just lay beside her and watched her sweet little face as she slept. She is adorable!!!!!

Today we also figured out what she means when she points at something and says "HO". It means NO and I cannot believe it has taken us this long to figure it out. She says it a lot :)

1 comment:

  1. Praying it goes well. The first week is really bad, noah had palate, tubes and dental done, so not quite as much, but after that first week, things get better and better. And once they get back to eating normally a palate is a WONDERFUL thing!!! The whole process of chewing changes, and sucking out of straws happens, it is great! Hang in there!!! She has the best mommy by her side!! love jessica
