Monday, October 24, 2011

No list today.....waiting

Seems most of my posts lately are centered around the word waiting. We do a lot of that. I spend a lot of time on a blog called connecting and chatting on line with others like me who wait. It is a community unlike no other where people just understand, no explanation necessary. Everyone has been through this process or is going through it. I am not saying that friends and family don't try to understand, they do, it is just if you haven't gone through this before it is impossible to explain it. Waiting stinks but it is a necessary thing that one must do to accomplish the end result.
No shared list tonight. Maybe on October 31 rst, I should know for sure by Friday, maybe. Nothing is ever really written in stone especially with China. They just don't like to give out any information before the event actually happens.....hence the waiting. Turns out I was right in the first place :) Take that people who say I am not good at math.
I have done a lot of bargaining with the big guy upstairs this week. I told him I just want a photo of our little pea pod and then I don't care how long the process takes after that just as long as I have a picture and I can give her a name. Remind me of that after we have a referral and I start freaking out over how long everything else is taking, it is quite the process by the way. Lots of paperwork! I envy those who haven't had a referral yet but have given their child a name. I don't want to call her my little pea pod or the second child anymore but I don't want to do anything to jeopardize the process either. Jim is much more practical. He says what if you name her and she doesn't look like the name. I told him, and it is not very PC, she is going have dark hair and eyes and be Chinese. That's enough for me. I do have a name picked out but I haven't dared utter it to a single soul other than Jim, and Ainsley too! She doesn't like it though so she has probably forgotten it so don't even try.
We are trying to get ready for Halloween. Costumes not done yet, tomorrow I promise. I will have to ban myself from the computer. Well, hopefully this Halloween will be like no other!!!!!!

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