Sunday, October 16, 2011

Math is hard

I am such a goof ball!!!!! So I have been stressing out because the next shared list comes out on Halloween......well it probably won't. I totally forgot to factor in that the list comes out the last Tuesday of the month in China which is a Monday night here. Well the last Tuesday of the month is October 25 which means the list should be out here on Monday the 24! None of this is set in stone and could change. I should know something concrete by the end of this week.
I found out through a chat room online and my stomach immediately did a flip flop and then the nerves and butterflies started again. Wow, how stuff changes in 48 hours. I will try to remain calm for the next week but I can't make any promises :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I am going to bookmark this and keep checking back. I bet it is hard to keep answering the same questions about what is up - so blogging is a great way to only have to type things once!

    And to second Jim's quote - math is hard....

    Today is the 24th so will wait to see if there is any update from you...crossing my fingers.
