Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A funny thing happened this week......

.......and it has to do with the word Ma Ma. Sofie has always used the Chinese word for Mom, Ma Ma, rather indiscriminately. I know she had no idea what a Mom was or what they do. The same as she had no idea what a family was or how it worked. She used the term Ma Ma whenever she needed something from someone. Everyone was Ma Ma, including Jim. If she needed help the person she needed help from was called Ma Ma.

Something changed this week. She started calling me Ma Ma and only me. She says it differently than before, a different tone to it. She calls it out when she is trying to get my attention and more importantly, she calls for her Ma Ma when she is upset. It just melted my heart.  She knows who her Ma Ma is and more importantly, what her Ma Ma is supposed to do for her. Life is good, very good :)


  1. Yeah! Another milestone. It makes you feel good and wanted. Our Mei was going between DaDa and MaMa for both of us (just like Sofie with Mama). Now she uses Mama and Dada the right way. Sometimes she just calls me Mama and than looks with delight how do I react and touches me arm.
    It melts my hearth.
    Sofie had a lot stuff to deal with since come home, but I think most of this is over. She is now on the way to give you more of these moments.

  2. Ooops! Posted in the wrong section -- meant to say that THIS was the most important and therefore best post ever! :)
