Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This kid is amazing!!!!

Jet lag stinks. It really does. Jet lag really stinks when you are newly adopted, have travelled to a new home and country and are 2 1/2 years old. Sofie has a few rough nights but last night she slept through the entire night in the pack and play at the end of our bed. Everyone slept the whole night.....what a difference!!!
I wish I could show you what a joy Sofie is. She is the funniest, happiest little girl I have ever met, unless you tell her no and then she sits on the floor and cries. It is the phoniest cry I have ever heard....makes me laugh :)
Today Ainsley went back to school and we decided to take Sofie out into the big wide world in her car seat. Keep in mind that they do not use many seat belts let alone child car seats in China. She is still a little  quiet and shy outside of our yard so we weren't sure how it would go. She did awesome. We went to Trader Joe's to do some grocery shopping and then after nap time we went to Ainsley's dance lesson. Sofie did amazing. No fit in the car seat, she loved the grocery store especially when we put pears in the cart and she LOVED going to Ainsley's dance. No melt downs, no fits, no catatonic state. Just that adorable laugh and smile that everyone loves. She got so excited when she saw Ainsley dancing, she just jumped up and down and squealed!!
There is just no way that I can do justice explaining Sofie's personality in words. You just have to meet her. She is just infectiously happy, unless she is mad but that usually doesn't last for long. Ainsley is wonderful with her and just loves her sister sooooo much that she can't contain herself some times. She just reaches out and hugs Sofie without being invited which doesn't go over so well sometimes.
Saturday was a tough day. Lack of sleep and jet lat took their toll. I went out to the mail and there was the flags that I had ordered. You can order a flag flown over the Capitol in Washington for a small fee and then they send you the flag. Ours arrived with no problem even though I only gave them a week's notice.
I have one that was flown for Sofie and one for Ainsley. The dedication states " This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capitol on May 14,2012- on the occasion of Sofie Lu Jingjing's Family Day- the first time the Ducharme's met their daughter and sister, the day the adoption was finalized, and the day the Ducharme's were all joined together, forever!" It is amazing and Ainsley was totally in awe of it.
Here are some other pictures from this week. It is hard to believe that Sofie has only been in our home form under a week :)

Mowing the lawn :)
Out for a walk with Daddy!! I had to hide to get this one because as soon as she sees me she runs away from Jim :)
Cruising in my cow car seat......
Shopping at Trader Joe's.......look at the pears over there :)
Doing homework with my big sis!!!! Everything Ainsley does, Sofie has to do too :)


  1. She looks fantastic- such huge changes in two weeks- it's like it's a different child! here too- it's so wonderful to watch it unfold. Your backyard looks gorgeous-

  2. Love the updates,with all the great pics. So glad to hear you are all doing so well ;)

  3. Love how u did her hair! Very cute!

  4. Do you have any information for ordering the flag dedication? We are in CA and I would love to order the flag flown when we go to China to get our daughter. That was so touching! I've really enjoyed reading about your adoption journey so far - Thanks!

  5. For the flag...go to the website for your State senator and there should be a link to order a flag flown in someone's honor. If not just use the search feature on their website and it should bring it up. Just fill it out and send the form and a check into the address provided. Hope this helps :)
