Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy New Year

 A very happy new year to everyone. 2013 is the year of the snake. It can be filled with lots of ups and downs!! I need some smooth sailing right now not ups and downs.

My Dad is doing pretty good. He has lots of decisions to make but he has in no way given up the fight. He is the strongest person I have ever met or been around. He truly is just grateful for every day that he is given and just wants to spend those days with his family. I had a great time visiting with them without any distractions. I was a treasured time.

We are celebrating Chinese New Year next weekend with our friends as I was supposed to be out of town on Sunday. I ended up coming home on Saturday due to a nasty snow storm that meandered our way. I was very glad that I came home early!!!

So this is going to be one of those posts that are written over several days :) Trying to find the time is really difficult.

Last night we had our Chinese New Year dinner. It was wonderful and I know I made some of the food, but it rocked. The leftovers tonight we just as fantastic. I didn't take any pictures as I was busy cooking, but, everyone else has pictures so I will post them as soon as I get a hold of them. It was so cute seeing the three little 3 year olds together again. They don't really play together. They just hang out in the same room together. They are still super cute when you can get them to all stand beside each other and hold still. By the way, the copy cat PF Chang's Mongolian Beef recipe on Pinterest is super easy to make and it is to die for!!!! I made two sirloin roasts and we hardly have any left.

Tomorrow, Ainsley, Sofie and I are going to a Chinese New Year luncheon with a play group of adoptive parents and adopted kids.  I hope they have other foods available as I am not sure I am going to be able to get anymore Chinese food into my two kids. They have had enough. I, on the other hand, could eat it every day :) I am looking forward to meeting with some other Mom's who have been there done that. I am feeling a little lost and out of sorts since Christmas. It has been a month since Sofie's intense speech therapy schedule starting and I just haven't been able to get into a groove with out schedule. I feel like I am always running around like a chicken with their head chopped off! Don't even talk to me about laundry :( This is why I am up at 11:30 pm writing a blog post while folding laundry.

Today was an awesome day. For a while now, Sofie has been calling me Mama. She also calls everyone else Mama when she needs something from them. It is also a really loud demanding Mama, like I need something so pay attention. It hasn't really bothered me that much because I know that she knows who MAMA! Ainsley has always called me Mommy or Mom. That is what I called my Mom so I just worked for us. Today, Sofie came up to me to ask something and clear as day said "Mommy." I stopped and my heart just melted. I heard "Mommy" over and over again all day long. Once she figured out that I liked her saying that, she didn't stop all day long. While I know that one day I will grow tired of the incessant Mommy mommy mommy, for right now, it is priceless. I am no longer  Mama I need something.......I am Mommy! Just plain old Mommy and I love it :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Mommy is such a powerful word!

    And I had to laugh out loud -- 'cause we are at the everyone-is-a-Mama stage. Totally get where you are coming from! :)

    Congrats! And glad to hear that your Dad is doing well.
