Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I have not been myself this week. I keep telling myself that there is nothing I can do about it but just deal with whatever happens. I wish "myself" would listen to myself.

Sofie goes for her ABR hearing test and dental work/extractions on Thursday, tomorrow.  I am very stressed out about it for a number of reasons.  I am not too stressed out about the dental stuff, rather, it is the anesthesia and operating room that goes with it that is bothering me. We have just this week almost gotten back to a normal sleep pattern with Sofie since her surgery in July. By normal I mean that the night terrors have only occurred once this week and she has had 3 nights in a row where she didn't wake up at all all night. I hope I didn't just jinx myself!! I am very worried what another experience in the OR and the anesthesia is going to do to her. I pray nothing. I have talked several other Mom's whose kids have gone through the same sleeping problems after surgery. I hope that Thursday doesn't set her back.

I am also very concerned about the hearing test. Not really concerned, but, in turmoil. Part of me wants them to tell us that her hearing is much better than what they originally thought. The downside to this is that it doesn't explain why her speech is not developing. It doesn't explain why the 2 1/2 year old chatter box in China had no  discernible words in Mandarin. Just Chinese baby talk as our guides told us.  I know that some kids just talk later than others. I tell myself that over and over. The thing is that she talks all the time. We just can't quite understand what she is saying. I think it is starting to bother her too. She has started acting out when she is angry or frustrated. She can't communicate what is wrong or what she wants. It is hard to deal with :)

The other part of me is very worried that they will come back and tell us that her hearing is much worse. She has been through so much already. She just needs to be able to hear and then we can deal with whatever else we have to. And then I try to is all out my control and I just need to take one day at a time.....wish me heart would listen to my brain.

I am not looking forward to sitting at the hospital waiting for them to come and tell me how much my sweet little baby can hear. Her dental surgery is at 11:45 and takes about an hour and then it is the ABR. It can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours. Jim won't tell me if 45 minutes is a good thing or a bad thing :)

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow......

I love watching them play together :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Bonnie,
    I am crossing my fingers that the test will show good and also for Sofie's quick and easy recovery. I so hope there is not much else she needs to go through.
    As per her speech. When we got Mei they told us she has only baby talk and does not speak Mandarin at all. I do not believe it completely. Her speech seems very structured. She is picking up a lot of words in English. Here I have to remind you - she has not been CL/CP affected. No wonder Sofie did not talk much in China because of her palate. Since coming back home she had so much surgeries and tests going on that probably did not help. A lot of setbacks for this little girlie. Take a breath and relax. As I am watching your journey, I am completely sure that you guys will be able to handle it without any problems. Sofie is such a sweet little pumpkin and year from now you will know this just had to be done.
    My close friends who adopted almost 2 year old had not heard more than 2-3 words from him for 6 months and he was not CL/CP affected or had no hearing loss either. He is now going in speech therapy and is doing great.
    I wish you good luck and will keep Sofie in my thoughts.

  3. praying it all goes well. Noah is 2 and very little speech. he will need to be in speech therapy. I will pray her hearing is improving, and that her sleep keeps getting better. Noah still wakes up screaming. Oh, a mommies heart! It is hard when our kiddos suffer. Hugs too my friend.
