Sunday, September 23, 2012

Quite the week!!

Well, we had quite the week this week.
Started with the mollescum diagnosis and got busier after that. Wednesday we had a little party for Sofie with some of our friends who couldn't make it to the party in August. We all stayed up to late and ate too many cupcakes. Sofie had night terrors all night long. Jim and I both had to work on Thursday, Jim a 24 hour shift,  so we all had to be out the door by 7 am. After work I rushed to pick Sofie up from daycare, came home with Taco Bell, dropped Sofie off at my girlfriends and picked Ainsley up from the same girlfriend, and headed off to Brownies with Ainsley. Sofie crashed in my friends lap at around 6:50. I returned home about 8 and got Ainsley to bed and then headed there myself.
Friday after work, we noticed that Sofie's torso was covered in small reddish welts. I mean covered too. I have never seen so many dots on one kid. Jim took her first to our clinic that is open late that is no longer open late on Fridays and then to Urgent Care. They were there for 3 hours. They diagnosed her with contact dermatitis just because they couldn't diagnose her with anything else :) She has been miserable. We have a steroid cream and Benadryl to give her. Sofie on Benadryl is not a calm thing. She goes crazy!!!!
Today the welts were a little better and not quite as itchy.
Here's hoping that the upcoming week is a little calmer :)


  1. I am sorry for little Sofie. She has been through so much already and it just keeps coming. Crossing fingers for quick recovery.

  2. Oh poor Sofie! She can't catch a break :( I will pray for healing for her and rest for all of you.

  3. I got tired just reading your post!! Hope this week is a little easier on you!

  4. Oh my gosh!! I just read my post again and it made me tired all over again :) So far much better this week, but, it is only Monday!!
