Thursday, February 2, 2012

DAY 59

Today is day 59 of the LOA wait. It is the "unofficial" average length of wait when you are LID before LOI. I did OK for most of the day....until I got home. I think it hit me like a ton of bricks. I am now a complete and total wreck. Everything seems to set me off into an emotional puddle of jelly. That is me...I am now Jell-o! I am trying to pull up my socks and get on with life. Why do men seem to deal with this so much better than women do?
Someone said it perfectly today. It is like you have pregnancy hormones and PMS together and there is a reason, my friends, why they do not go together :)


  1. hugs Bonnie, praying it gets there soon!!!!! what a hard wait :( hang in there.

  2. Yes indeed this is an emotional journey. I understand how you feel. We were DTC on 1/27/12. waiting on LID/LOA currently. (saw you on C. A. T.) Hope all goes well for you and moves along quickly.
