Saturday, October 13, 2012

A thought

I have been thinking a lot this last 24 hours. I also had a great talk with Jim's cousin who is also hearing impaired. She told me that it is OK to be upset. It is a process that we have to go though. I know Sofie will do just fine. I also now know what is upsetting me. Everything else we have been able to "fix." Her cleft was fixed through surgery, her speech could be corrected through speech therapy, her teeth can be fixed with a great dentist, a bone graft and orthodontic work. This is the one thing I can't "fix." I can't make it better. Hearing aids will help her hear and will open up a whole big, new world for her, but, I can't fix it. I can't make it go away.

I know with time we will be fine. Sofie will be fine and the rest of us will be fine too. We will move on and tackle her hearing and speech with everything we have. I know that she will talk and she will talk and talk and talk :)

Thanks everyone for your support, understanding and for just listening. Your kind words really mean a lot to us :)

Today I watched Ainsley and Sofie walk through the cul de sac delivering Ainsley's flyers for Girl Scouts door to door. It was so cute. Just melted my heart to see the two of them walking hand in hand. Life is good. It is very good :)


  1. So tough. But -- you do deserve the time to feel the grief. And -- you are doing a great job with Sophie!

  2. I follow your blog through a friend's blog. I just wanted to reach out and say I truly understand. After 18 months of endless fighting with our medical team for our bio son (severe cl/cp) the ABR showed his rt ear is 100% deaf and non functioning all the way to the chochlea. It was also a very sad day for me :( He is now 6 and just a few months ago finally got the BAHA implant. Yes it's still a struggle for him and his speech is severely delayed. He's a beautiful gift and such a strong little boy. Your daughter is precious and I'll be praying for her.

  3. It is competely natural to grieve. None of us want our kids to have to struggle with things...I still get sad from time to time about Grace's hearing...and it has been 6 years since she has been in hearing aides. My Grace on the other hand...has never complained or acted mad/sad about it. We have never treated her hearing loss as a disability and have just always explained to her that God made her ears special...she so far has never questioned this. Good luck as you start this journey with Sophie!
